March Wrap Up + Stacking The Shelves


I’ve been spending some times going through some old ARCs… like OLD OLD. I’m talking about ARCs I got in 2016 for books that were released in 2017.

One of the tough things about being a book blogger is the never-ending guilt you feel for not reading more books, especially ARCs you requested.

While it’s true that no one owes anyone anything, I do feel there is a certain obligation to at least attempt books you asked for.

I’ve been carrying this guilt around for years as 2016 was one of the years my husband was suicidal, then in 2017 several upheavals in my personal life made committing to reading difficult, and I only read 12 books at all that year. Those ARCs went to the back of the pile in favour of more up to date ones, and I always felt bad about it.

2022 was supposed to be my year focusing on getting the last remains of my guilt ‘owed’ pile out of the way so I could focus on reading what I wanted, when I wanted.

I still can’t believe it’s actually April. 2022 is just blowing by, I’ve blinked and it’s 4 months in already. I have no idea where my year has gone so far.

I’ve been dealing with some tough personal news this month.

It’s never easy when your family members are ill.

I’ve got a lot of stuff going on at work, but I feel like I have also been wanting and able to read a lot, which I think has helped me deal with everything that’s going on.

I’m okay. Things are just a bit much at the moment.

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme created by Tynga’s Reviews and hosted by Reading Reality.
It’s all about sharing the books we’ve picked up for the week, whether they are bought, borrowed, gifted, galleys, physical or virtual.
Share your shelves and remember to visit Reading Reality to find more great books!


The Visitor (Animorphs Graphix #2) by K.A. Applegate, Michael Grant, adapted by Chris Grine.

The wildly popular, bestselling sci-fi series by Katherine Applegate and Michael Grant returns in a new full-color graphic novel series, adapted by Chris Grine.

Rachel is still reeling from the news that Earth is secretly under attack by parasitic aliens, the Yeerks. Now she and her friends are the planet’s only defense — five kids who, purely by chance, stumbled onto a downed spacecraft and were given the power to morph into any animals they touch.

The team’s best lead is their assistant principal, Mr. Chapman, who is the human host to a high-ranking Yeerk official. It’s not much, but Rachel’s always been a daredevil, and she volunteers to infiltrate Chapman’s home.

Rachel is tough. She’s fearless. But what she finds inside may be more than even she can handle.

Of COURSE I was going to buy this comic!

I am an Animorphs SUPERFAN.

I reviewed the entire series in 2013!

Also, Rachel is my favourite character.


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You Must Not Miss by Katrina Leto

Magpie Lewis started writing in her yellow notebook the day her family self-destructed. That was the night Eryn, Magpie’s sister, skipped town and left her to fend for herself. That was the night of Brandon Phipp’s party.

Now, Magpie is called a slut whenever she walks down the hallways of her high school, her former best friend won’t speak to her, and she spends her lunch period with a group of misfits who’ve all been socially exiled like she has. And so, feeling trapped and forgotten, Magpie retreats to her notebook, dreaming up a place called Near.

Near is perfect–somewhere where her father never cheated, her mother never drank, and Magpie’s own life never derailed so suddenly. She imagines Near so completely, so fully, that she writes it into existence, right in her own backyard. It’s a place where she can have anything she wants…even revenge.


Monthly Wrap Up

Book Stuff

  • Number of books read: 5 and 1 DNF
  • Finished a series: No
  • Started a series: No
  • New to me authors: Katie Cotugno, Amanda Maciel, AW Jantha, Kady Cross, Caroline Overington
  • Favourite book: The Visitor (Animorphs Graphix #2) by K.A. Applegate, Michael Grant, Chris Grine

Book Reviews:

Game Reviews


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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