November Wrap Up

month november



So I tried to take November off because 2 years of full-time blogging and reviewing was burning me out and I was extra hurt when my blog was temporarily suspended for violating terms of service. I was doing too much author promotion and not enough original content, which probably also contributed to the burn out. It was my mistake to make. I got all my content back, though, so in the end everything was OK.

Account-suspendedMy problem is that I was starting to blog for other people, not myself. I was promoting authors taking on every Young Adult book blitz I could find. I was whoring out my blog. And that made sad, so they punished me. Being suspended was a good thing because it forced me to look at how I was blogging, and most importantly WHY I was blogging.

Was I blogging for myself or because I felt that I owed something to authors? Even when I wasn’t doing book reviews I still felt the need to promote authors. “See? I’m a good blogger! I CARE about authors! I’m promoting them!”

I still love books and want to share that love with people, but I need to do it on my terms and not because I think authors needs bloggers to promote them.

I failed the hiatus, obviously, because I love books and blogging about them. I came back after 3 weeks, after seeing the film trailer for The DUFF and being inspired to start a new feature, Page to Screen.

New Home

In the meantime, the Moonlight Library transferred over to a new home at, which I’m very happy about. Props to Ashley from Nose Graze/ Creative Whim for hauling my caboose over. It was utterly painless. Anyone thinking of self-hosting should definitely look into it, and the hosting service offered at Book Host.


And yes, while the new website does look fabulous, this is NOT the final design.

Reading Challenges

I removed my Reading Challenges page.


Because I can’t keep up with it and I’m not getting anything out of it. I was in about 5, but I wasn’t entering any of the competitions or getting involved in any of the discussions. It was more of a way for me to help keep track of what I was reading, but I hate the idea of forcing myself to read a particular number of books linked by a theme or whatever. So I’ve given them up and I won’t be doing any reading challenges next year. I just need to read what I want to read, and try to whittle down the to-read pile.

November Wrap Up

Book Reviews:


Other Blog Posts You May Have Missed:

I’ve got lots more planned for December, including wrapping up Project EverWorld, more Page to Screen posts (is it just me or are there so many good films coming out soon?!) more book reviews and maybe even a tour or two.


Monthly Highlight

  • Sara Raasch, whose book Snow Like Ashes I reviewed, tweeted me to thank me for my review and said she was glad I liked it… and then tweeted me AGAIN when she saw my pre-review for Book #2 on Goodreads!

sara raasch

  • Heather Dixon’s new book Illusionarium appeared on Edelweiss, so I pounced on a copy, and Greenwillow was kind enough to give me an ARC!

IllusionariumHeather Dixon is one of my favourite authors, and her debut, Entwined, is my absolute favourite book of all time, so I was very excited to be granted this opportunity. As a bonus, isn’t the cover gorgeous?



3000 followers giveaway

Remember the 3000 Followers and Christmas giveaway ends on New Year’s Eve, so get entering for your chance to win any book up to $25AUS from The Book Depository.



About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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