Buy Borrow Burn: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone


Welcome to the Moonlight Library’s new original feature, Buy Borrow Burn.
It’s a fun game based on Snog Marry Avoid/Marry Kiss Kill.
If we had unlimited funds, which cover would be the one we’d buy*, borrow, or burn**?
*This is completely subjective and my favourite cover may not be yours.
**In no way do we wish to insult anyone and no, we wouldn’t actually ‘burn’ the book, this is completely hypothetical.

Let me know which book cover you’d Buy Borrow or Burn!

This week’s book covers:

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
by J.K. Rowling


Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)

Published September 1st 2014 by Bloomsbury Children

I love the darkness of this cover, and how it shows the magnificent castle of Hogwarts, and that weird-looking giant of a man Hagrid, and also shows Hermione and Ron. I love the setting sun and the colours used and I think that even if I hadn’t read the books, this cover would interest me.


Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)

The ‘adult’ version published by Bloomsbury UK in a clever marketing ploy.

This was actually the cover I did end up buying. I bought the ‘adult’ cover box set many years ago. but now, I’d simply borrow it. It’s a bit deceptive, and if I saw this in the library I’d have no idea it was a middle grade book until I read the blurb. That being said, I’m glad it’s in my collection.


Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale

This is an Italian cover.

I’m sorry, what? Giant rats? Extra-large chess pieces? I don’t get it. It’s ugly and that shade of baby-vomit yellow makes my eyes cry. BURN IT.

Which out of these three covers would you buy, borrow, or burn?


About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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7 thoughts on “Buy Borrow Burn: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

  1. Maranda Hymes

    I just saw one of these posts by you earlier and I LOVE the idea. Seriously, you’ve just about sent me in a frenzy looking for all editions of books so I can do my own. Great idea! And I definitely agree with you between those 3. The first is an art style that I love completely, the second is simplistic and I like it a ton but just a bit less than the first but that last one, even loving the Harry Potter series I wouldn’t want that one on my shelves. Is the rat supposed to be a gigantic Scabbers? So confused.

    Maranda Hymes recently posted: text: TBR

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