November Wrap Up

month 11 15


A quiet month on the blog! I managed to post a few times, taking part in PC Cast’s Moon Chosen blog tour, talking about Goodread’s ‘Best Books of 2016’, and taking part in the RAINBOW Blog Challenge hosted by a bunch of different hosts. I didn’t get much reading done –  well, no, that’s not true, I DID get some reading done, and I enjoyed it, but I didn’t finish many books.

That’s because apart from this project I’m doing that takes me away from reading, Pokemon Sun & Moon was released in November, and I’m all about the #TeamLitten.

I think December will probably be another quiet one to be honest! I’m basically running this blog by myself again, and I’ve decided I’m going to go back to being The Moonlight Library in the next month when this Young Adult at Heart domain name expires. Don’t worry, it’s just the url that will change so if you already follow me you’ll be brought along for the ride, but I’ll let you know about the switch, too.

Basically Tanieka and I have decided our partnership isn’t working out. It’s nothing to do with fighting or whatever, just that Tanieka is focusing more on Instagram (where she has like a million followers, go her!) and BookTube, whereas I’m more traditionally still writing reviews. You know, she’s putting her beautiful face out there and I won’t even use a real picture of myself or tell you my real name.

So unfortunately we will be parting ways soon, which is sad, because I still love her and I love watching her videos but she needs room to spread her wings and grow and this grumpy old lady isn’t going to hold her back!

Monthly Wrap Up

Book Reviews:

Other Blog Posts You May Have Missed:

Posts We Found Interesting

Metaphors and Moonlight asks Why are we so attracted to pretty book covers?

It Starts at Midnight wants to know Does social media competence equal blog success?

Books For A Delicate Eternity tells us about The Art of the DNF.

The Aus. Library explores swearing in YA.

Drizzle and Hurricane Books wants to know if Being original is a must for bloggers?

Adventures of a Book Junkie tells us about Books For Trade.

Nose Graze tells us not to rely on hosts to backup our blogs.

banner stacking the shelves


For Review:


Frostblood by Elly Blake (thanks Hachette Australia!)



Insight by Jamie Magee

Moonlight by Tim Rourke

Slave Warrior Queen by Morgan Rice

The Healer trilogy by CJ Amaya

Embers by Karen Ann Hopkins



Goldenhand by Garth Nix

Frost Like Night by Sarah Raasch




About Nemo

A lover of kittens and all things sparkly, Nemo has a degree in English Literature and specialises in reviewing contemporary, paranormal, mystery/thriller, historical, sci-fi and fantasy Young Adult fiction. She is especially drawn to novels about princesses, strong female friendships, magical powers, and assassins.

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