July Wrap Up

News I finished my astrobiology short course! I am now an amateur astrobiologist. I ended up with a grade of 89%, a distinction, which I’m kind of annoyed about, because that’s only one percent off 90%, which is a high distinction. I mean, I’m still happy with a high grade but it’s annoying when I […]

3 Year Blogiversary Giveaway Winners

The Moonlight Library’s 3 Year Blogiversary Giveaway has come to an end. We had 185 entries! Rafflecopter has selected the winners: Australian winner of a paperback copy of The Princess Diaries #11: Royal Wedding by Meg Cabot Melissa T   International winner of an ebook copy of the Freak House Trilogy by CJ Archer Mallory […]

3 Year Blogiversary + Giveaway!

To celebrate our three year blogiversary, the Moonlight Library is very proud to present another GIVEAWAY with not one, but TWO fabulous prizes! To help celebrate our three year anniversary of book blogging, we are very excited to partner with Aussie historical and paranormal author CJ Archer in our giveaway. Open to International (non-Australian) Residents […]

New Design!

After two and a half years of blogging, I finally made the move to self-hosted and scored a new design courtesy of Laura Plus Designs, a darling fellow YA Aussie blogger who does amazing work at affordable prices! Laura worked with me every step of the way and we designed the blog together, bouncing ideas […]

December Wrap Up And Giveaway Winner

News I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Hubby and I went to my parents and ate way too much food and then went home and played with our cats. We really love spending time by ourselves, but we don’t want to offend family by not showing up on Christmas! And the good news is […]

Happy Holidays!

From the Moonlight Library to you, our readers, have a wonderful day whether you’re with family or not. All the kittens agree.   Twitter 2 Facebook 0 Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe Join 1,830 other […]

So I Never Told You About My Wedding

I got married earlier this year. My husband and I were married in an evening winter ceremony. We planned to have our photographs taken by sunset, but a combination of inconveniences put us behind schedule and we missed the sunset. On the morning of, we ran out of hot water. I’m still trying to work […]

Welcome to our new home!

After over two years of blogging I’ve finally taken the plunge and turned to self-hosting The Moonlight Library! Thanks to Ashley of Nose Graze/Creative Whim for migrating all my posts over to her own hosting service, Book Host. It was completely and utterly painless. I simply handed the blog over and went to sleep, and […]