I Reorganised My Bookshelf

  Because of my husband’s illness, I’ve been having time off work to care for him. Don’t get me wrong: this isn’t a holiday. I’m not lazing around the house and spending all my time reading – not that that’s what I get to do on holidays anyway (seriously, number of book read when I […]

Musing by Moonlight: My Book Nerd Score

OK Barnes and Noble, let’s see how much of a book nerd you think I am!  You currently own more than 20 books. Anyone own this much and are still considered book nerds? You currently own more than 50 books. I surely do. Just keep guessing, though. You currently own more than 100 books. Try […]

Musing by Moonlight: Why I Hate Twitter

Yes, it’s true. I hate Twitter. Why? I think it’s a waste of time. Which is the wrong attitude to have in the book blogging world, because Twitter is how most people make their connections and promote their work. Here’s why I hate it: You have to be able to dedicate real time into tweeting […]

Musing By Moonlight: My Book Buying Habit Exposed

Welcome to Musing by Moonlight, where I take the opportunity to get off my chest anything and everything to do with books. Or maybe not. Depends how I feel. A Shocking Revelation I’m incredibly organised when it comes to how I get my hands on the books I want to read. Previously I’ve detailed exactly […]

Musing By Moonlight: Organising My TBR Books

Welcome to Musing by Moonlight, where I take the opportunity to get off my chest anything and everything to do with books. Or maybe not. Depends how I feel. How I use Goodreads to organise my TBR books I have this really strict chaotically organised way of figuring out exactly how I’m going to get […]

Musing By Moonlight: Sex in YA Fiction

Welcome to Musing by Moonlight, where I take the opportunity to get off my chest anything and everything to do with books. Or maybe not. Depends how I feel. Sex in YA Fiction Some time ago I came across a blog post written by Mostly Book Obsessed about how she wished there was more sex […]